Blog / Oléo



Are you aware of the water quality in your well?

Temps de lecture : 2 minutesWhat is borehole or well water?   Unlike tap water, which is treated in a specialized center, borehole or well water comes directly from water veins and springs, underground rivers or the water table. The source of the water is therefore important; it is raw, living water. On the other hand, the quality of the […]

The pure carbon/silver technology and its powder have been patented

Temps de lecture : 3 minutesFor a long time, various scientists have tried the carbon-silver combination, wanting to take advantage of the marvelous filtration properties of activated carbon for water treatment, while freeing themselves from the problems of bacterial contamination through the presence of silver, which has bacteriostatic effects. The bacteriostatic properties of silver (and other heavy metals) have been […]

Living and beneficial water thanks to the vortex

Temps de lecture : 2 minutesIs having drinking water in your home enough insurance to drink tap water with peace of mind? Why not have access to living water?   What do we mean by “living water”? We can say that water is alive when it is structured, that is, when it is composed of 6 molecules forming a hexagon. […]

The Oleo water purifier: a revolution in filtration!

Temps de lecture : 2 minutesInstalling the Oleo unit allows you to benefit from a constant flow of water throughout your home: Water rich in minerals essential for health, including calcium and magnesium. Delicious water without any unpleasant taste or smell of chlorine. Water revitalized & dynamized by micro-vortexes (whirlpools) with beneficial and reoxygenating action. Soft water for your hair […]