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Water softeners: what they don’t tell you

Temps de lecture : 4 minutesPresented as the solution to all our limescale issues, water softeners are not universally accepted by the public. The arguments between the users and those against are numerous. Convenience, economy and health are at the heart of the debate. Pros and cons collide on a sensitive issue: water treatment. This week, Bricoleur Du Dimanche takes […]

Is water chlorination really harmless?

Temps de lecture : 3 minutesAre we really safe from these chlorinated residues? We can wonder about the long-term effects of the regular intake of this very reactive molecule. A 2008 report by the French health watchdog (Institut de veille sanitaire) has been ignored, although its conclusions are worrying to say the least. In fact, it is necessary to know […]

Osmosis water, filtering carafes… The “60 Millions de consommateurs” revue points out the dangers of this “too pure” water

Temps de lecture : 2 minutesDrinking lots of water (I repeat, water), especially in hot weather, is the first good health reflex. But how can we reconcile the liters of water we consume with our thirst to protect the planet? Given the growing distrust of tap water (suspected of containing nitrates, pesticides, hormone residues, etc.) and the desire to avoid […]

Water: what are the health risks?

Temps de lecture : 2 minutesWater pollution has become one of the major concerns in our society and around the world. Drugs, pesticides… What exactly are we swallowing when we drink a glass of water? Human activities cause water pollution: rivers, of course, but also groundwater, brackish water or even rainwater, dew, snow and polar ice, all these environments are […]

Living and beneficial water thanks to the vortex

Temps de lecture : 2 minutesIs having drinking water in your home enough insurance to drink tap water with peace of mind? Why not have access to living water?   What do we mean by “living water”? We can say that water is alive when it is structured, that is, when it is composed of 6 molecules forming a hexagon. […]